Astrology & Mind

Your Birth Chart is a Spiral.
Step up to Your Higher Levels to
Fulfil Your Purpose
Yogacara Astrology
as Your Guide

↖ Change Your View of Your Life
These are not simple ‘Astrology How-To’ courses
These courses can be
Most Astrology Systems
interpret your chart from
the point of view of your Ego
which reinforces
subconscious habits
Yogacara Astrology
interprets your chart from
the point of view of your Spirit
which encompasses
your reason for incarnating
This allows you to
Live with Purpose!
Kerrie, I have such fantastic memories of learning astrology from you, and of you in general.
You are a brilliant teacher and researcher.
You are a brilliant interpreter of astrology.”

former editor, Southern Crossings
(spiritual development magazine)
Thank you, Kerrie, sooooo much. I am so glad I followed my spirit’s calling back in 1991 when I saw the ad for your course in a shop window.
Best decision I ever made!”
You are an amazing teacher and a true pioneer!”
Quizzes along the way
to keep you Thinking

Intelligent Quizzes to help you think laterally and critically about the things you’re learning.
I won’t treat you like a dummy.
Every time you learn something new, your brain develops new synaptic connections. This course will definitely help that process, and I guarantee you will be learning new things all the way through, along with new approaches to how you can see your life.

Build your Confidence
You will be learning to see yourself in a more positive light, with a view to how every aspect of your Being can be expressed for a Higher Purpose.
No dark psychology from old pop-astrology. This will be a refreshing and uplifting experience. When you see yourself from the perspective of your spiritual consciousness, rather than your habitual ego-nature, your confidence and your opportunities will blossom.
See your Goals clearly

Understanding the Inherent Goals you brought in with you to this Incarnation will allow you to find the perfect and relevant expressions for those goals.
The framework of your life is not random. There is a pattern to all things. You do have a Destiny. Your astrology chart is a map of frequencies that have ‘wired’ your brain with all you need. Reading that map gives you greater clarity and Purpose.

I first met Kerrie in 1993 and was initiated into Astrology.
She did a natal (or birth) chart for me, interpreting it from a present and past life perspective, incorporating Buddhist philosophy.
It was one of those ‘Oh My God’ moments!
It was not only a life-changing experience but set me forth on a new path of deeper spiritual understanding in life — basically it was an indescribable but enlightening experience.
I then studied with Kerrie for one year in 1994. The class was a very well structured 4-semester intensive program.
… Kerrie is leading the field in a lifetime quest…
Beyond the Black Stump of Eternity

via my Resource Newsletter
Click any ‘Stay Connected’ button to sign up,
or click the ‘Newsletter’ button in the main Menu
Do the Short Courses cover the basics?
YES. I have decided to include the relevant NEW BASICS techniques within each of these courses as they pertain to the unique focus of the course. Don’t worry, you’ll be taken through every step, and with the philosophy behind it, so you’ll understand more deeply. Even if you’re a seasoned professional astrologer, this is a new approach to chart synthesis and with a new type of interpretation that is more spiritually based, but in a pragmatic way.
Will there be any live access to you as the teacher for questions and clarifictions?
YES, I’m planning to make this possible. When enough students have completed a course, I will organise an online Skype Meeting (or two, to suit various time zones), so I can answer your queries about the course material. These sessions will also be recorded for participants only, and you can download the video via Skype right after the Meeting.
Can I buy a Bundle of courses at a discount?
YES. As soon as I have a number of these courses available, I’ll introduce a Bundle price for them. The Yogacara Professional Astrology course will be a separate and highly comprehensive course, on its own, so will not be bundled with anything else (though I may decide later to offer a bundle with Asteroid courses when enough of them are available to you).
Do I need to buy all the Short Courses in the series, and in order?
CNO. You are free to choose only the topics that interest you, in any order, and to take the courses at your own pace. The relevant New Basics will be included for that course. These Short Courses are not designed to qualify you as an astrologer (see my Yogacara Professional Astrology Course for that), but are for your own benefit and enhancement. Though, you will learn a lot about my system.
Are there graded exams?
NO—The Short Courses are designed for you as an individual, to help you expand your awareness of yourself in the world, and to help you understand other people more profoundly. You will see potentials everywhere. But there will be Quizzes to help you gauge your own understanding of the information in stages.
Does the Short Course series overlap with your Yogacara Astrology course material?
The Short Course Series can be a prerequisite to the Yogacara Astrology course, or a focused addition to it later, for your personal enhancement rather than a full exposé of the science of astrology. So the Yogacara course will build on that information, and will relate more deeply to the Buddhist Yogacara Doctrine of Mind where the focus is on you being able to use this knowledge throughout your life—as well as professionally, if you choose—to benefit others. So, you have a choice as to how far you want to go with theses studies.
If I study these Short Courses, will there be a discount if I buy the Yogacara Astrology course later?
I’m presently considering offering Credits toward the Professional Yogacara Astrology Course for students who complete these relevant short specialised courses (see the ‘Short Series’ button above), though the Asteroid Courses will be recommended as adjuncts to the Yogacara Course, and will not be included in that fuller course, giving students the choice of Asteroid topics they want to study. (With 300+ Category files already, I can be creating Asteroid courses until I drop!)
So, if you also purchase the Yogacara Astrology course, you will still have online access to the Short Courses series you would have already completed here.
How do I pay for the courses?
I use Stripe for online credit and debit card processing (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, JCB, and UnionPay, which also includes Apple Pay and Google Pay on your devices). I am also considering “pay later” options via Stripe. When the courses are live, there will be a payment button and easy form for you on each course page. Stripe is used as the payment gateway of choice by the best online course platforms (and I’ve been using Stripe happily for my consultation payments since 2016).
Can I pay with PayPal?
NO, I’m sorry. I don’t have a PayPal account, and I’ve found Stripe to be a fabulous and reliable service for secure international card processing on a number of my websites. Their support and access are also terrific and very swift.
Still Have Questions?
I’ll be happy to answer your questions or concerns
via the email form below.